Thursday, August 1, 2019

A Plan of Action for Hong Kong

1. People must find and accept the One True God and Jesus. God will confirm you have found Him with signs and wonders and possible miracles. If these do not occur, you haven't found Him.

Victory without this step is likely impossible, with this step it is possible.

2. The people must obtain weapons, unless you seek to do this without weapons; most likely not possible.

3. Simultaneously, the following actions must occur.

  • a. Access to Hong Kong from China must be destroyed. Roads, bridges and railways, all access must be destroyed.
  • b. The people must seize and control Chek Lap Kok airport and destroy any incoming Chinese aircraft attempting to land.
  • c. Police and garrison troops/forces must be neutralized or arrested.

4. Government buildings and facilities must be seized and remain in control of the People.

5. The People must fight with the weapons they are provided taken from local armories, facilities and police. Other weapons must be acquired or made providing as many of the People as possible with a weapon. People who choose not to fight with a weapon must be willing to die for the cause, they must be willing to pay the price of liberty with their blood.

6. Some other world nation, state or force must ally itself with the People.

7. At least 1 TV/radio/cable TV station must be taken and used to report 24/7 on actions and events.

8. Several streaming internet podcasts must be created and continue non-stop.

9. Defense in Depth - you must restrict access to Hong Kong and ease of movement within Hong Kong by the PLA to the greatest extent possible. Cars, trucks, buses, barriers must be emplaced in groups of wall-to-wall vehicles & barriers - all touching and/or piled on top of each other for distances of no less than 100 meters. These must be raised at all strategic access points, all intersections, all overpasses and underpasses, from building to building across the streets - as much and as many as possible. These barriers can also serve as a fighting withdrawal cover for the People while the People regroup to drive the PLA out.

10. "Blanket brigades" must be created. These are People carrying blankets soaked in incendiary fluids. Throw the blankets over all PLA vehicles, tanks and armored vehicles. Use Molotov cocktails to set the blankets ablaze.

11. "Sniper nests" must be created on as many rooftops and from the windows of high rise buildings as you have People willing to assume this role. Accuracy is not important, they just need to lay down fire to delay and confuse the PLA. Closer ranged, armed People will take the kill shot. Any effective fire from the "sniper nest" should be considered a bonus. Molotov cocktails can also be used if weapons are in short supply.

12. Use walkie-talkies, cell phones and optical means such as flags, mirrors, electric torches, toy lasers and hand waves to coordinate movements, positioning and effective action of the People.

13. Don't overlook the potential utility of non-firearms weapons such as crossbows, bows and arrows, slingshots (the whirling David/Goliath kind), catapults, ballista and similar, barrels of gasoline or other incendiary fluid.

14. Stockpile as much food, water and medical supplies beforehand. Also stockpile clothing and footwear. Disperse, use and consume as needed. Use bicycle helmets to protect your head from debris.

15. Small lasers may be effective in temporarily blinding incoming PLA forces allowing the People to take action.

16. Smoke, flash-bangs, pepper spray and tear gas will be used against you. Obtain and create as many gas masks as possible.

17. Stream and podcast as many casualties you sustain as possible, blood makes news. Also stream and podcast all effective battles by the People.

18. Expect attack from air and sea, take precautions - mostly just spotters to report incoming.

19. You cannot win a prolonged battle. Find a way to victory as soon as possible. Make outrageous demands and then accept the halfway point. Once you begin, you cannot stop until you win or you die.

20. Victory will be difficult at best unless you allow the One True God - not the Catholic god - to carry the battle. Even then it will be difficult at best unless God intercedes in a big way - which He can do and has done in the past.Ask Jesus for help. Find an effective evangelical preacher to reach you and bring you to God. Without Him, I do not believe you will win. Sorry.

I will study maps and attempt to come up with a better, more effective solution.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot: for the duration, you must arrest all opposition legislators and outspoken, influential dissenters. This is war, treat it as such.
